Work Packages

The Nature Fresh project includes different work packages, that the Consortium is committed to bringing onto realization within due time, and to referring about through a wide series of Deliverables and final Reports (mid and end project):

WP1: Compostable film optimisation

From July 2019 to December 2021, through this work package the Consortium aims to assess the film target performances, produce it, test it in-house and at customers, and optimise it if needed.

Responsible partner: Fabbri Group, in co-operation with Espera, Teixpac, CTME.

WP2: Design and develop wrapping machines

From July 2019 to December 2021, through this work package the Consortium aims to design and build the wrapping machines (1 model for retail, 1 model for industry), create training, operating procedure, and troubleshooting documentation, prepare the product technical files to get the EC mark.

Responsible partner: Fabbri Group, in co-operation with Teixpac.

WP3: Design and manufacture compostable label and its application system

From July 2019 to February 2021, through this work package the Consortium aims to design and create the compostable label and the scale and label applicator system, followed by in-house testing.

Responsible partner: Espera in co-operation with Fabbri Group, Teixpac.

WP4: Production trials and in-house testing

From January 2020 to December 2021, through this work package the Consortium aims to define the check-list and procedure for in-house testing to check the system compliance to the European applicable regulations, functions, performance, human interface, safety. After machine optimization testing will take place again. 

Responsible partner: Fabbri Group, in co-operation with Espera, Teixpac, CTME.

WP5: End user trials

From July 2019 to November 2021, through this work package the Consortium aims to carry on detailed testing of both types of machines, WPL system and film at the end user sites. Key testing parameters include packaging speed, packaging quality repeatability, reproducibility, machinability of the compostable film and pack overall aesthetics. A second test run must be foreseen after optimisation. This will ensure that the consortium has answered the exact end user needs and has gained the final approval from the early adopters. 

Responsible partner: Teixpac in co-operation with Fabbri Group, Espera.

WP6: Regulatory approvals, environmental impact and Life-Cycle Analysis

From August 2019 to December 2021, through this work package the Consortium aims to check and edit the declaration of conformity to the European law on compostability for film and label, evaluate the environmental impact of the proposed packaging solution according to the Life Cycle Assessment tool (LCA). 

Responsible partner: CTME in co-operation with Fabbri Group, Espera.

WP7: Commercialisation planning

From July 2019 to December 2021, through this work package the Consortium aims to develop and carry out an IP strategy (trademarks, patents…), supply chain agreements (suppliers, manufacturing partner, distributors), commercial contracts (including warranties, servicing, liability etc.), pricing models, routes to market, commercial scale manufacturing, after-sales service plan. 

Responsible partner: Fabbri Group, in co-operation with Espera, Teixpac.

WP8: Marketing and dissemination

From July 2019 to December 2021, through this work package Fabbri Group aims to take care of branding registrations and all marketing activities focused on the retailers and the food processors who aim to adopt sustainable food packaging to meet their end-user needs (trade-shows, conferences, seminars and other events, press releases, white papers, videos, digital and printed materials…), distributor sales teams training, final review of the overall Nature Fresh system performance.
The other partners Espera, Teixpac, CTME will proceed through parallel actions with their own client portfolio. 

Responsible partner: Fabbri Group, in co-operation with Espera, Teixpac, CTME.

WP9: Project management

From July 2019 to December 2021, through this work package the Consortium aims to hold regular progress review meetings ensuring that any variances from plan and corrective actions required are recorded and actioned, review the project, reporting and monitoring all risks, hold regular communication with the EC monitoring officer on project updates, prepare and submit reports to the EASME in accordance with the EC requirements.

Responsible partner: Fabbri Group, in co-operation with Espera, Teixpac, CTME.

WP10: Ethics requirements

From July 2019 to December 2021, through this work package the Consortium aims to set out the ethics requirements that the project must comply with (GDPR, security etc.). 

Responsible partner: Fabbri Group.